By Laurel Kalser
Source: HR Dive
- Dollar General violated federal labor law when corporate officials threatened to close a Connecticut store if employees voted for a union, illegally surveilled their actions and fired a pro-union employee, an administrative judge for the National Labor Relations Board opined in Dolgen Corp. and United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 371.
- Per the July 17 ruling, within days of the union filing a petition with the NLRB to represent store employees, four corporate officials — including the chief people officer and the senior director of labor relations — arrived at the store and stayed until the union election. One official allegedly told a worker she could become a store manager but warned that another store closed after employees voted for a union, according to the record. The officials also kept a running list of who favored union representation and fired an employee they allegedly believed was influencing others to support the union, administrative documents indicated. The NLRB’s general counsel charged the company with interfering with, restraining and coercing employees in the exercise of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act.
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