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The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Western States Council today applauded the California State Assembly’s approval of AB 1533 (Committee on Business and Professions), which extends the sunset date for the California State Board of Pharmacy until January 1, 2026 and updates penalties for practices that threaten patient safety. The following statement may be attributed to Jean Drexler, RPh, member of UFCW Local 324:

“As a licensed pharmacist, I have sworn to protect my patients and keep them safe and healthy, but corporate pharmacy employers have shown time and time again their loyalty is to profits over patients. Keeping pharmacy patients safe and healthy demands a Board of Pharmacy that can hold pharmacy corporations accountable for conduct that harms patients. The current maximum fine even for large corporate pharmacies with profits in the billions is $5,000, an amount corporations would rather pay than change harmful practices like understaffing pharmacies and imposing performance based quotas on pharmacists. UFCW’s member pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy staff applaud the Assembly’s support of AB 1533, essential legislation to keep our patients safe and encourage the California State Senate to support this bill as well.”