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This week the Union negotiating team had some discussions with Safeway to address several outstanding “non-economic” issues.

While we were not able to reach agreement on most of the issues we discussed, the conversations were helpful in permitting both the Union and Safeway to begin to understand each other’s positions.

In last week’s negotiations update, we described the sub-par employer health and welfare and wage proposals sorely lacking in what our members deserve from Fry’s, Smith’s and Safeway.

Here are the highlights of what the employers want:

  • A significant Increase to the hour requirement for health and welfare
    • Many members would lose health care coverage for themselves and their families if this were to make it into the contract;
  • A significant increase to employee premiums: nearly triple over 3 years;
  • Reduction of millions of dollars from our members’ health care plan reserves;
  • A mere .25 cent raise each year of a three-year contract for top rate classification only;
    • No increases for those not at the top rate

Insulting and out-of-touch proposals such as these are not even close to the proper recognition for your bravery and dedication as essential workers. Our members have been there every day for customers while helping the companies reach historic and near-record profits.

Both companies can, should and MUST do better.

We are scheduled to resume negotiations later this month.

We won’t stop until we have a contract our members can be proud to ratify.