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This report comes to you after we’ve finished two days of “off the record” bargaining with the supermarket companies. At these meetings, we were able engage in discussions around both parties’ proposals. We have two more dates scheduled for bargaining — one next week and one the following week.

While we still have a long way to go before we reach a settlement, our union’s negotiators believe it is important to continue this process in order to reach a fair and equitable contract settlement for you and your family.

We recognize the enormous pressures you are working under in the stores, especially now with the effects of COVID-19 and the holidays, and we will continue to push forward with maximum effort to get a settlement as soon as possible.

The process we are using for bargaining is unprecedented, with no face-to-face meetings. I am sure the employers would prefer to meet in person as well, but it just isn’t possible. Some of the people on both sides of the “table” are in other states, like California, that are recommending no travel for their citizens and quarantining upon return. Clearly, video conferencing is the best solution in these circumstances.

Local 99 is scheduling an Advisory Committee update on Tuesday, Dec. 15, to deliver an up-to-the-minute update on the status of negotiations.

We understand how frustrating this waiting is for everyone, but we ask you to be patient and allow the process to play out.

In the meantime, please stay safe, stay strong, and stay united.


President Jim McLaughlin