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Head to 14:49 to hear her story

Our member Jocelyn Cruces (Safeway 261) had the incredible honor of introducing President Biden on 9/8/21 at a White House Labor Day event! You can see in the photo that there were only 3 people up front with Biden before he spoke: Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler, and Local 99 Member Jocelyn Cruces! It was a salute to essential workers, and Jocelyn represented them. Jocelyn is a pharmacy tech, battled COVID, lost her mom to COVID, and now encourages people to be vaccinated. Jocelyn lives in Douglas and works in Bisbee; she has a 19-year old daughter who was beyond thrilled and proud of her mom.

We got Jocelyn’s remarks late Tuesday night, and needless to say, she was nervous but excited. President Biden made her feel at ease, and Jocelyn got a lot of accolades for doing a great job with the introduction and for the work she does every day. The President insisted that Jocelyn call her daughter so he could talk to her—when she didn’t answer because she was in class—Biden had Jocelyn take a video of him leaving the daughter a message.