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Over the course of my 27 years of working for UFCW Local 99, I have had the pleasure of knowing many who have shown a remarkable  commitment to working families. They have included stewards, SPURs, union representatives, organizers, union clerical and support staff and other activists.

Some were paid by the union and others volunteered. I was a volunteer activist in my local before I came to Local 99 as a union representative.

When I came to Local 99 in 1992, the local had just begun a period of growth and we were looking for new leaders to work full-time for the union. We all knew it was a calling that required long hours and working weekends, but it came with the great rewards of helping our fellow members.

We are entering a similar period of growth for Local 99, and we are looking for organizers and union representatives who are willing to step forward and work long hours to help their fellow members.

If you know someone in your store or plant or workplace who might fit this description, please let her or him know there are opportunities for a rewarding career in the Labor Movement.

The right person has to have compassion for working families and a passion to do the right thing. The right person has to be smart and hardworking. The right person has to have the will to make a difference. The right person has to believe in his or her heart that we are all stronger when we stand together. And the right person has to lead by example.

If you know someone who fits that example or if it’s you, please contact your union representative or call the union. All applications will be referred to the UFCW International Union, which will assess the qualifications of everyone who seeks these positions.

Other ways to help

Even if you aren’t able to fulfill the commitments required for becoming an organizer or union representative, our union has lots of opportunities for activism at all levels.

This issue of 99Report is filled with examples of members and friends who volunteer their time to help working families get a better deal in life.

For example, on page 4 we shine a spotlight on two noteworthy SPURs (Special Project Union Representatives) who volunteer to sign up new members for Local 99 and campaign for union-friendly candidates and causes.

On page 7, you’ll see an inspiring picture of Local 99 stewards standing united with union firefighter Daniel Valenzuela in his campaign for mayor of Phoenix. And on page 8, you’ll learn how Katie’s Kids, a campaign organized by our Women’s Network, is seeking families who would benefit from receiving backpacks filled with school supplies.

There’s no end to the possibilities for helping improve people’s lives — which happens to be the reason our union exists. Come join us!